144K Support For Starseeds Active
In Planetary Liberation
- Planetary Liberation Endgame -
The new center of gravity.
Why the Dark ones launched an attack on the Syrian Goddess Vortex-
Pentagram & 188 Degree Leyline.
With the nano-chips and quantum sized spheres-&-cubes attack revealed & dealt with in my last report, the discovery of all the action in Syria was able to surface & has now taken center-stage.
Have you noticed that the energies only improved briefly on Tuesday, after hours of energy work on the aforementioned planet-wide attack - only to realize it kinda went south again till Friday around noon, Pacific time?

It's the Syrian Goddess Pentagram/Vortex!
Here's what's happened ... (time to get all 3D on ya :- )
The Cabal has expended all its assets in Ukraine. Mostly, the Ukrainian armed forces it hijacked & controlled.
The eastern front in Ukraine is in collapse & has been for a few weeks now, and the Cabal can't do much about it.
But what it still has, are quite a few assets (CIA trained & supplied mercenaries posing as 'anti-Assad' free Syrian jihadists) in northern Syria.
And their big campaign to take Syria, but also control the:
Goddess Vortex
Goddess Pentagram
& 188 Degree Leyline
... is so far very successful, as explained by independent journalist Pepe Escobar ... and our good friend at History Legends channel.
Pepe (yes I know, what a name ... lol) says the situation is quite dire.
Russia ... Iran ... and US White Hats were ('seemingly') caught by surprise.
Furthermore ...
The Dark Ones know
no one is ASCENDING anywhere
if :
the Syrian Goddess Vortex/Goddess Pentagram & 188 Degree Leyline is damaged & infected
there's a major war in the region
... because it means Light can't be accreted there, which basically means no timeline ascension, until this is dealt with.
The degree of success by the dark one's mercenaries in Syria is a strong sign they did black magic rituals before they launched their physical attack on the surface, last week.
As Pepe explained, if the dark one's mercenaries manage to take the city of Homs, it puts the crucial Russian airbase nearby at serious risk.
If the Russian airbase is lost, then Syria is gone ... along with this key grid-point, which will almost certainly delay the Event/Ascension.
And the Cabal is hoping Russia is forced to divert their military resources to Syria.
This will greatly delay the end of the Ukraine war too ... and thus protect dark assets there ... to save the day for the Cabal in Ukraine.
A lot of energy work was done to bring this situation under control yesterday morning,
and here's the highlights.
mass clearing of each 5-points of the Goddess Pentagram, where they ritualized before the physical attack & opened dark vortexes with the merkabas at each point
shut-down of the main (was black) vortex in the middle of the Goddess Pentagram
healing, rebuilding & reactivation of the organic Goddess Vortex in the same place
clearing of the 188 Degree Leyline from Kuwait to London, then from central Virginia to London & Mexico
an army of reptilians & etheric demons, within the auras of the Cabal mercenaries, was transmuted
all non-physical aspects of a portion of the Cabal mercenaries, as many are reptilian incarnates that gravitate to organized violence were removed
a counter-rotating vortex was brought down from up above/outer-space, which seemed to work with the Goddess Vortex beneath to 'rinse - squelch - pulverize -' large numbers of entities controlling the situation
two huge senior entities were then found & pulled out of the ground, that the Cabal rituals had anchored there - they were controlling the situation - one looked like a giant dark eyeball with tentacles, the other a stereotypical demon with a hominid-body
gorgeous 5-pointed sacred geometric 'petals' glistening in rainbow colors, then emerged from within the heart of the main Goddess vortex
I think that was it!?
When this work was finished ... I noticed the energies improved greatly.
My confidence returned ...
Positivity reappeared ...
Things in general looked good or manageable again.
The background fear & 3D instability was gone.
That's when I knew, this was
the crux of the problem in recent days.
Hopefully, all this will help stabilize things until the 144K can get to it on the 12-12 Mass Meditation.
12/12 is another Master Code Number the dark ones will try to use, but we'll be there to also amplify & catapult the influx of Light that will hit the planet on 12/11, as a crucial point in the 11/22 - 1/21 Portal of Preparedness.
So start polishing your helmet & goggles, and watch for the Meditation/Intervention email for December 12th!
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
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:- )
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The Unknown Lightwarrior is an extremely old Commander Level Soul-Type, similar to Ashtar's, with a rich energy mastery & military history of over 5 million earth years. He is a Goddess worshipper, and is the founder of the modern reincarnation of the 144K & helped turn it from a loose, depleted, unorganized & dispersed group of Starseeds, to a cohesive, decisive & impactful group that has consistently raised planetary timelines to avoid the worst & accelerate Planetary Liberation via innovative energy work during 144K Mass Meditations.
He does this also by healing & activating 144K Members with free & paid, cutting edge, robust & breakthrough guided healing sessions (audios) and DNA Activation Codes that harness clearing from Omnipresence & Light Beings that manage Universes & Multiverses.
He is also a veteran gridworker & lives with his wife, the legendary Sirian woman Astara & his princess pupster (dog). https://www.144karmyoflight.org - https://www.4PhaseHealingSystem.com