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Official 144K Starseed Group Blog

... free the planet ... heal humanity ... reach the stars!

Starseed Report: 144K Equinox Meditation - We must stay on schedule for Nov Events. Planetary Freedom Situation Report

 144K Sep 22, 2024 Equinox Live Meditation Access is Below.


a starseed enjoying spiritual healing

The importance of 'Sequencing' for freeing the Planet.


Nov 1st, is The Deadline. The right perspective for the next 6 weeks.


Back in my early grid-work days of long drives throughout the south-west of America in early 2014, I gained that first-hand experience & understanding of 'sequencing'.


Meaning ... a major grid-point couldn't be cleared (or even approached) due to darkness occupation, until other smaller but still critical grid-points & strongholds were cleared first.


We had Archon nests back then.


And they needed clearing.


The effects were so brutal, that it cost us our beautiful relationship with the two other Starseeds we were traveling with. 


But we got through it somehow ... we got the invaluable experience & training.


And when we got back to L.A we were able to apply for my Green Card & make it to the East Coast for two-&-a-half year's worth of physical location-based grid-work liberation operations.


But then grid-work became more & more remote grid-work, which saved us from logistical headaches.


But I digress ...


The point here is, is the sequencing.


Certain clearings & infusion of Light must be successfully completed in time

for the US Presidential election.



Yes ... that might or might not be delayed by up to a month, depending on us.


... meaning us, the 144K!


The White Hats do have counter-measures in place to ensure we win 'in the end' ... but those are for several different scenarios based on timelines.


The not-so-nice scenarios/timelines, are indeed not very nice.


The CIA ... negative military ... Jesuits ... DARPA ... & Black Nobility are heavily diminished, but still at-large.



They must be completely powerless by

Nov 1st.



If they have no dark energies or overlords to work with - they're finished - and humanity is freed.


Thanks to the 144K radically accelerating the removal of the Lurker in our amazing intervention on Tuesday's Super Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse ... we're on-track with the sequencing of what needs to be dealt with next ...



... to ensure November is the month of true United Revolution ...
but without the world economy collapsing, WWIII, or supply chains shutting-down.



Otherwise we end up with starvation & collapse of society, (that the Cabal has been trying very hard to trigger) which will greatly delay Planetary Liberation.


Like I've said in the past ...



... there are many roads,
to the same destination.



The full effect of what we did on Tuesday's Super Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Meditation is still in process ... and the dust hasn't settled.


So expect more intel updates after the Equinox Intervention/Meditation, because that's going to be another huge shift & altering of the timelines!



It's now only 3 days before the

Equinox 144K Extravaganza





Be where you can make the BIGGEST difference for Planetary Liberation!


That's with the 144K ...


Links are below ...


Not a 144K Member?

If you want to join this online event + regular advanced Mass Meditations, you have to be a 144K Mass Meditation Group Member.

  1. click over to the 144K Official Recruitment site at 144k Army of Light Dot org, join, and after the short survey, you'll land on the 144K member's site

  2. then click on 'Ground Crew Command Radio/Live Meditation Broadcasts' at the top menu bar

  3. & you'll be taken straight to the live broadcast widget in the Member's area [BlogTalk Radio widget, with a Telegram livestream option].

The precise times for your time-zone will be emailed to you.

:- )

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior

The Unknown Lightwarrior is an extremely old Commander Level Soul-Type, similar to Ashtar's, with a rich energy mastery & military history of over 5 million earth years. He is a Goddess worshipper, and is the founder of the modern reincarnation of the 144K & helped turn it from a loose, depleted, unorganized & dispersed group of Starseeds, to a cohesive, decisive & impactful group that has consistently raised planetary timelines to avoid the worst & accelerate Planetary Liberation via innovative energy work during 144K Mass Meditations.

He does this also by healing & activating 144K Members with free & paid, cutting edge, robust & breakthrough guided healing sessions (audios) and DNA Activation Codes that harness clearing from Omnipresence & Light Beings that manage Universes & Multiverses.

He is also a veteran gridworker & lives with his wife, the legendary Sirian woman Astara & his princess pupster (dog). https://www.144karmyoflight.org - https://www.4PhaseHealingSystem.com

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