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Official 144K Starseed Group Blog

... free the planet ... heal humanity ... reach the stars!

Starseed Report: Our consistent 'Pulsed Accelerations' to freedom, New Moon Report, Heads-Up for HUGE Nov with 11/11

Writer: The Unknown LightwarriorThe Unknown Lightwarrior

 144K 11/11, 11/15, 11/22 Mass Meditations Coming!


The deep secretive mysteries of the Scorpio-natured New Moon did not disappoint.


Thankfully, neither did the 144K.


Last Friday's New Moon Intervention/Meditation has set the stage for a more successful & smoother November (compared to what the Cabal had in mind!).







The clearing & reconnection of the nested Star Merkabah within Gaia's core that properly reconnects her to the cosmos, was yet another fundamental structure needed to return her & humanity permanently back to galactic society & that Star-Trek life.


And yes ... there were at least 3 other 144K Comrades who saw that explosion of light toward the end!


More Light


Faster Ascension


The 'dark & hairy' Halloween period that's now over, was their weakest ever!


The 'Pulsed Accelerations' from our bi-monthly Mass Meditations has also raised the possibility that the Lurker may be gone by January or February ... in time for the civil unrest break-out in the US.




[Q] The Storm Rider's insider just repeated the false-flag plans are likely to be leveled against the US, once it looks certain they can't secure their candidate's Presidential 'win' on January 6.


Thanks to the 144K, it looks more & more like they'll only be able to stage the 'lite' version of their false flag - especially if we keep on upgrading the timelines every New & Full Moon!

This 11/11 will be the biggest ever. Because we have:


11/11 Portal Entrance


11/15 Full Moon in Uranus

[shocks, surprises]


11/22 Portal Closure


More Mass Meditations Coming!



The Cabal's false flag followed by overt military martial law in the coming months will scare a lot of people.


That's not healthy for the Sacred Goddess ...


The 144K has been asked to help the White Hats transmute the big scare into the Big Awakening!


Will you step-up?! 


Goddess sure hopes so, because:


The additional light we bring through

the grids & through the surface...


 Inner-Earth Forces to come to the surface!!

This accelerates the time to Inner Earth Contact!



Let's make it happen this November, to make the most of our successes in recent months!


Change is inevitable - but suffering is optional.


We have the power to turn this from the scariest event, to the most inspirational event!


More coming ...


Such as this!


Starseed intel from insiders

The 144K, is where the action is!


The Action, that decides timelines ...


The Action that decide what events occur ... the severity of those events ... and what effects they will have ... for the highest good of all.  


I will take you home ...


But I need your help getting us there.

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior


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  1. click over to the 144K Official Recruitment site at 144k Army of Light Dot org, join, and after the short survey, you'll land on the 144K member's site

  2. then click on 'Ground Crew Command Radio/Live Meditation Broadcasts' at the top menu bar

  3. & you'll be taken straight to the live broadcast widget in the Member's area [BlogTalk Radio widget, with a Telegram livestream option].

The precise times for your time-zone will be emailed to you.

:- )

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior

The Unknown Lightwarrior is an extremely old Commander Level Soul-Type, similar to Ashtar's, with a rich energy mastery & military history of over 5 million earth years. He is a Goddess worshipper, and is the founder of the modern reincarnation of the 144K & helped turn it from a loose, depleted, unorganized & dispersed group of Starseeds, to a cohesive, decisive & impactful group that has consistently raised planetary timelines to avoid the worst & accelerate Planetary Liberation via innovative energy work during 144K Mass Meditations.

He does this also by healing & activating 144K Members with free & paid, cutting edge, robust & breakthrough guided healing sessions (audios) and DNA Activation Codes that harness clearing from Omnipresence & Light Beings that manage Universes & Multiverses.

He is also a veteran gridworker & lives with his wife, the legendary Sirian woman Astara & his princess pupster (dog). https://www.144karmyoflight.org - https://www.4PhaseHealingSystem.com


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